
package schemas

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AdditionalPropertiesProperty(overriddenAdditionalProperties: Option[Boolean] = None)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
  2. final case class AnySchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an empty object in JSON Schema which will accept any value.

  3. final case class ArrayLengthHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class ArraySchema(properties: SchemaProperties[List[JsonSchema[_]]] = ArraySchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Represents both tuples and arrays in JSON Schema.

  5. final case class BooleanConstantProperty(allTrue: Option[Boolean] = None, allFalse: Option[Boolean] = None) extends SchemaProperty[Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks whether all values are either true or false

    Tracks whether all values are either true or false


    whether all values are true


    whether all values are false

  6. final case class BooleanPercentProperty(totalTrue: BigInt = 0, totalFalse: BigInt = 0) extends SchemaProperty[Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the percentage of true values for a boolean.

    Tracks the percentage of true values for a boolean.


    the number of true values observed


    the number of false values observed

  7. final case class BooleanSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Boolean] = BooleanSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[Boolean] with Product with Serializable

    Represents Boolean values in JSON Schema.

  8. final case class DependenciesProperty(totalCount: BigInt = 0, counts: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty, cooccurrence: Map[(String, String), BigInt] = Map.empty, overloaded: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks dependencies between keys in an object schema.

    Tracks dependencies between keys in an object schema.


    the total number of observed objects


    a map from keys to the number of times the key is present


    a map from pairs of keys to the number of times they cooccur


    whether this property is overloaded and stopped tracking

  9. final case class DynamicObjectSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] = DynamicObjectSchema.AllProperties)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Represents objects in JSON Schema with dynamic keys.

  10. final case class DynamicObjectTypeProperty(valueType: JsonSchema[_] = ZeroSchema()) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    The type of the values in a dynamic object schema.

    The type of the values in a dynamic object schema.


    the type of the object value

  11. final case class EnumSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Set[JValue]] = EnumSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[Set[JValue]] with Product with Serializable

    Represents both enum and const in JSON Schema.

  12. final case class EnumValuesProperty(values: Set[JValue] = Set.empty) extends SchemaProperty[Set[JValue]] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks all possible values of the enum.

    Tracks all possible values of the enum.


    the values of the enum

  13. final case class ExamplesProperty[T](examples: List[T] = List.empty[T], totalExamples: BigInt = 0, nextSample: BigInt = 0, sampleW: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    Used to track examples across atomic values collected from schemas.

    Used to track examples across atomic values collected from schemas.


    a list of example values


    the total number of examples seen so far


    the bounds on the next sample to consider


    weight to determine the next sample

  14. final case class FieldPresenceProperty(fieldPresence: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty[String, BigInt], totalCount: BigInt = 0) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks what percentage of the time keys in an object schema are present.

    Tracks what percentage of the time keys in an object schema are present.


    a map from keys to the number of times the key is present


    the total number of observed objects

  15. final case class FormatProperty(formats: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty[String, BigInt]) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the possible formats for string values.

    Tracks the possible formats for string values.


    a map from formats to a count of observed examples

  16. final case class IntBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[Integer] = BloomFilter[Integer]()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks possible integers which can be contained in the set

    Tracks possible integers which can be contained in the set


    the Bloom filter used to track the set of integers

  17. final case class IntExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[BigInt] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks examples observed for these integers.

    Tracks examples observed for these integers.


    the example integers observed

  18. final case class IntHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks a histogram of integer values.

    Tracks a histogram of integer values.


    a histogram of integer values

  19. final case class IntHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of integer values.

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of integer values.


    the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality

  20. final case class IntMultipleOfProperty(multiple: Option[BigInt] = None) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks a common multiple of these integers.

    Tracks a common multiple of these integers.


    a possible common multiple of the integers

  21. final case class IntStatsProperty(stats: StatsProperty = StatsProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks statistics on the integers in this set

    Tracks statistics on the integers in this set


    the statistics used to track the set of integers

  22. final case class IntegerSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[BigInt] = IntegerSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Represents integers in JSON Schema.

  23. final case class ItemTypeProperty(itemType: Either[JsonSchema[_], List[JsonSchema[_]]] = Left(ZeroSchema()), count: Int = 0) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    The type of item stored in this array schema.

    The type of item stored in this array schema.


    either Left for a single item type or Right for a tuple schema with multiple types

  24. trait JsonSchema[T] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all JSON Schema types.

  25. final case class MaxIntValueProperty(maxIntValue: Option[BigInt] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the maximum value of all integers.

    Tracks the maximum value of all integers.


    the maximum value


    whether the maximum value is exclusive

  26. final case class MaxItemsProperty(maxItems: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
  27. final case class MaxLengthProperty(maxLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the maximum length of strings.

    Tracks the maximum length of strings.


    the maximum string length

  28. final case class MaxNumValueProperty(maxNumValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the maximum value of all numbers.

    Tracks the maximum value of all numbers.


    the maximum value


    whether the maximum value is exclusive

  29. final case class MinIntValueProperty(minIntValue: Option[BigInt] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the minimum value of all integers.

    Tracks the minimum value of all integers.


    the minimum value


    whether the minimum value is exclusive

  30. final case class MinItemsProperty(minItems: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the minimum number of items in the array.

    Tracks the minimum number of items in the array.


    the minimum number of items in the array

  31. final case class MinLengthProperty(minLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the minimum length of strings.

    Tracks the minimum length of strings.


    the minimum string length

  32. final case class MinNumValueProperty(minNumValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the minimum value of all numbers.

    Tracks the minimum value of all numbers.


    the minimum value


    whether the minimum value is exclusive

  33. final case class NullSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty[Nothing]) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Represents null in JSON Schema.

  34. final case class NumBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[Double] = BloomFilter[Double]()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks possible numbers which can be contained in the set

    Tracks possible numbers which can be contained in the set


    the Bloom filter used to track the set of numbers

  35. final case class NumExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[BigDecimal] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks examples observed for these numbers.

    Tracks examples observed for these numbers.


    the example numbers observed

  36. final case class NumHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks a histogram of number values.

    Tracks a histogram of number values.


    a histogram of number values

  37. final case class NumHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of number values.

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of number values.


    the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality

  38. final case class NumMultipleOfProperty(multiple: Option[BigDecimal] = None, tiny: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
  39. final case class NumStatsProperty(stats: StatsProperty = StatsProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks statistics on the numbers in this set

    Tracks statistics on the numbers in this set


    the statistics used to track the set of numbers

  40. final case class NumberSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[BigDecimal] = NumberSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable

    Represents numbers in JSON Schema.

  41. final case class ObjectSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] = ObjectSchema.AllProperties)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Represents objects in JSON Schema.

  42. final case class ObjectTypesProperty(objectTypes: Map[String, JsonSchema[_]] = Map.empty[String, JsonSchema[_]]) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    The types of all keys in an object schema.

    The types of all keys in an object schema.


    a map from object keys to schemas for the values

  43. final case class PatternProperty(prefix: Option[String] = None, suffix: Option[String] = None, examples: Int = 0, minLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the possible patterns for string values.

    Tracks the possible patterns for string values.


    a possible common prefix of strings


    a possible common suffix of strings


    the total number of observed examples


    the minimum observed length of a string

  44. final case class PatternTypesProperty(patternTypes: Map[Regex, JsonSchema[_]] = Map.empty[Regex, JsonSchema[_]]) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    The types of all keys in an object schema which match given patterns.

  45. final case class ProductSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[JsonSchema[_]])(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[JsonSchema[_]] with Product with Serializable

    Represents allOf, anyOf, and oneOf in JSON Schema.

  46. final case class ProductSchemaTypesProperty(baseSchema: JsonSchema[_] = AnySchema(), schemaTypes: List[JsonSchema[_]] = List.empty[JsonSchema[_]], schemaCounts: List[BigInt] = List.empty[BigInt], productType: ProductType = OneOf)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends SchemaProperty[JsonSchema[_]] with Product with Serializable

    The types of all values in a product schema.

    The types of all values in a product schema.


    a schema which all values in the product schema are compatible with


    the types of each value in the product schema


    the number of values in each type in the product schema


    the type of the product schema

  47. sealed trait ProductType extends AnyRef
  48. final case class PropertySet(arrayProperties: SchemaProperties[List[JsonSchema[_]]], booleanProperties: SchemaProperties[Boolean], integerProperties: SchemaProperties[BigInt], numberProperties: SchemaProperties[BigDecimal], objectProperties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]], stringProperties: SchemaProperties[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Sets of properties which can be used during schema discovery.

    Sets of properties which can be used during schema discovery.


    properties related to ArraySchema


    properties related to BooleanSchema


    properties related to IntegerSchema


    properties related to NumberSchema


    properties related to StringSchema

  49. final case class ReferenceObjectProperty(schema: JsonSchema[_]) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a reference to a particular schema object.

    Represents a reference to a particular schema object.


    the referenced object

  50. final case class ReferencePointerProperty(pointer: String) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a reference to a particular pointer.

    Represents a reference to a particular pointer.


    the referenced pointer

  51. final case class ReferenceSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[String]) extends JsonSchema[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a reference ($ref) in JSON Schema.

  52. final case class RequiredProperty(required: Option[Set[String]] = None) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks what keys are required in an object schema.

    Tracks what keys are required in an object schema.


    a possible set of keys which may be required

  53. final case class SchemaProperties[T](properties: PropertyMap[T] = Map.empty[PropertyTag[T], SchemaProperty[T]]) extends Iterable[SchemaProperty[T]] with Product with Serializable
  54. trait SchemaProperty[T] extends AnyRef
  55. final case class StaticDependenciesProperty(dependencies: Map[String, Set[String]] = Map.empty) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    A set of dependencies between keys in an object schema extracted from a serialized JSON Schema.

    A set of dependencies between keys in an object schema extracted from a serialized JSON Schema.


    a map from keys to dependent keys

  56. final case class StaticPatternProperty(regex: Regex) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents patterns read in from a serialized JSON Schema.

    Represents patterns read in from a serialized JSON Schema.


    a regular expression which represents the pattern to match

  57. final case class StatsProperty(totalN: BigInt = 0, m1: BigDecimal = 0, m2: BigDecimal = 0, m3: BigDecimal = 0, m4: BigDecimal = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    Data for properties which track statistics on a set of values.

    Data for properties which track statistics on a set of values.


    the total count of values


    the first statistical moment


    the second statistical moment


    the third statistical moment


    the fourth statistical moment

  58. final case class StringBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[String] = BloomFilter[String]()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks possible strings which can be contained in the set

    Tracks possible strings which can be contained in the set


    the Bloom filter used to track the set of strings

  59. final case class StringExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[String] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks examples observed for these strings.

    Tracks examples observed for these strings.


    the example strings observed

  60. final case class StringHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of string values.

    Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of string values.


    the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality

  61. final case class StringLengthHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks a histogram of string lengths.

    Tracks a histogram of string lengths.


    a histogram of string lengths

  62. final case class StringNumericProperty(numericSchema: Option[NumberSchema] = None, failed: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable

    Tracks a possible numeric schema.

    Tracks a possible numeric schema.


    a possible numeric schema

  63. final case class StringSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[String] = StringSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[String] with Product with Serializable

    Represents strings in JSON Schema.

  64. final case class UniqueProperty(unique: Boolean = true, unary: Boolean = true) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
  65. final case class ZeroSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Represents {"not": {}} in JSON Schema or the schema which admits no values.

Value Members

  1. case object AllOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
  2. case object AnyOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
  3. object ArraySchema extends Serializable
  4. object BooleanSchema extends Serializable
  5. object DependenciesProperty extends Serializable
  6. object DynamicObjectSchema extends Serializable
  7. object EnumSchema extends Serializable
  8. object ExamplesProperty extends Serializable
  9. object FormatProperty extends Serializable
  10. object IntegerSchema extends Serializable
  11. object JsonSchema
  12. object NumberSchema extends Serializable
  13. object ObjectSchema extends Serializable
  14. case object OneOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
  15. object PatternProperty extends Serializable
  16. object ProductSchema extends Serializable
  17. object PropertySets

    Common collections of PropertySet values for discover.

  18. object ReferenceSchema extends Serializable
  19. object SchemaProperties extends Serializable
  20. object StatsProperty extends Serializable
  21. object StringSchema extends Serializable
