package schemas
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class AdditionalPropertiesProperty(overriddenAdditionalProperties: Option[Boolean] = None)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
- final case class AnySchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
Represents an empty object in JSON Schema which will accept any value.
- final case class ArrayLengthHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
- final case class ArraySchema(properties: SchemaProperties[List[JsonSchema[_]]] = ArraySchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Represents both tuples and arrays in JSON Schema.
- final case class BooleanConstantProperty(allTrue: Option[Boolean] = None, allFalse: Option[Boolean] = None) extends SchemaProperty[Boolean] with Product with Serializable
Tracks whether all values are either true or false
Tracks whether all values are either true or false
- allTrue
whether all values are true
- allFalse
whether all values are false
- final case class BooleanPercentProperty(totalTrue: BigInt = 0, totalFalse: BigInt = 0) extends SchemaProperty[Boolean] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the percentage of true values for a boolean.
Tracks the percentage of true values for a boolean.
- totalTrue
the number of true values observed
- totalFalse
the number of false values observed
- final case class BooleanSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Boolean] = BooleanSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[Boolean] with Product with Serializable
Represents Boolean values in JSON Schema.
- final case class DependenciesProperty(totalCount: BigInt = 0, counts: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty, cooccurrence: Map[(String, String), BigInt] = Map.empty, overloaded: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Tracks dependencies between keys in an object schema.
Tracks dependencies between keys in an object schema.
- totalCount
the total number of observed objects
- counts
a map from keys to the number of times the key is present
- cooccurrence
a map from pairs of keys to the number of times they cooccur
- overloaded
whether this property is overloaded and stopped tracking
- final case class DynamicObjectSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] = DynamicObjectSchema.AllProperties)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Represents objects in JSON Schema with dynamic keys.
- final case class DynamicObjectTypeProperty(valueType: JsonSchema[_] = ZeroSchema()) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
The type of the values in a dynamic object schema.
The type of the values in a dynamic object schema.
- valueType
the type of the object value
- final case class EnumSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Set[JValue]] = EnumSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[Set[JValue]] with Product with Serializable
Represents both
in JSON Schema. - final case class EnumValuesProperty(values: Set[JValue] = Set.empty) extends SchemaProperty[Set[JValue]] with Product with Serializable
Tracks all possible values of the enum.
Tracks all possible values of the enum.
- values
the values of the enum
- final case class ExamplesProperty[T](examples: List[T] = List.empty[T], totalExamples: BigInt = 0, nextSample: BigInt = 0, sampleW: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable
Used to track examples across atomic values collected from schemas.
Used to track examples across atomic values collected from schemas.
- examples
a list of example values
- totalExamples
the total number of examples seen so far
- nextSample
the bounds on the next sample to consider
- sampleW
weight to determine the next sample
- final case class FieldPresenceProperty(fieldPresence: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty[String, BigInt], totalCount: BigInt = 0) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Tracks what percentage of the time keys in an object schema are present.
Tracks what percentage of the time keys in an object schema are present.
- fieldPresence
a map from keys to the number of times the key is present
- totalCount
the total number of observed objects
- final case class FormatProperty(formats: Map[String, BigInt] = Map.empty[String, BigInt]) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the possible formats for string values.
Tracks the possible formats for string values.
- formats
a map from formats to a count of observed examples
- final case class IntBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[Integer] = BloomFilter[Integer]()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks possible integers which can be contained in the set
Tracks possible integers which can be contained in the set
- bloomFilter
the Bloom filter used to track the set of integers
- final case class IntExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[BigInt] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks examples observed for these integers.
Tracks examples observed for these integers.
- examples
the example integers observed
- final case class IntHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks a histogram of integer values.
Tracks a histogram of integer values.
- histogram
a histogram of integer values
- final case class IntHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of integer values.
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of integer values.
- hll
the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality
- final case class IntMultipleOfProperty(multiple: Option[BigInt] = None) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks a common multiple of these integers.
Tracks a common multiple of these integers.
- multiple
a possible common multiple of the integers
- final case class IntStatsProperty(stats: StatsProperty = StatsProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks statistics on the integers in this set
Tracks statistics on the integers in this set
- stats
the statistics used to track the set of integers
- final case class IntegerSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[BigInt] = IntegerSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Represents integers in JSON Schema.
- final case class ItemTypeProperty(itemType: Either[JsonSchema[_], List[JsonSchema[_]]] = Left(ZeroSchema()), count: Int = 0) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
The type of item stored in this array schema.
The type of item stored in this array schema.
- itemType
for a single item type orRight
for a tuple schema with multiple types
- trait JsonSchema[T] extends AnyRef
Base trait for all JSON Schema types.
- final case class MaxIntValueProperty(maxIntValue: Option[BigInt] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the maximum value of all integers.
Tracks the maximum value of all integers.
- maxIntValue
the maximum value
- exclusive
whether the maximum value is exclusive
- final case class MaxItemsProperty(maxItems: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
- final case class MaxLengthProperty(maxLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the maximum length of strings.
Tracks the maximum length of strings.
- maxLength
the maximum string length
- final case class MaxNumValueProperty(maxNumValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the maximum value of all numbers.
Tracks the maximum value of all numbers.
- maxNumValue
the maximum value
- exclusive
whether the maximum value is exclusive
- final case class MinIntValueProperty(minIntValue: Option[BigInt] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigInt] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the minimum value of all integers.
Tracks the minimum value of all integers.
- minIntValue
the minimum value
- exclusive
whether the minimum value is exclusive
- final case class MinItemsProperty(minItems: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the minimum number of items in the array.
Tracks the minimum number of items in the array.
- minItems
the minimum number of items in the array
- final case class MinLengthProperty(minLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the minimum length of strings.
Tracks the minimum length of strings.
- minLength
the minimum string length
- final case class MinNumValueProperty(minNumValue: Option[BigDecimal] = None, exclusive: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the minimum value of all numbers.
Tracks the minimum value of all numbers.
- minNumValue
the minimum value
- exclusive
whether the minimum value is exclusive
- final case class NullSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty[Nothing]) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
in JSON Schema. - final case class NumBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[Double] = BloomFilter[Double]()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks possible numbers which can be contained in the set
Tracks possible numbers which can be contained in the set
- bloomFilter
the Bloom filter used to track the set of numbers
- final case class NumExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[BigDecimal] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks examples observed for these numbers.
Tracks examples observed for these numbers.
- examples
the example numbers observed
- final case class NumHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks a histogram of number values.
Tracks a histogram of number values.
- histogram
a histogram of number values
- final case class NumHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of number values.
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of number values.
- hll
the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality
- final case class NumMultipleOfProperty(multiple: Option[BigDecimal] = None, tiny: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
- final case class NumStatsProperty(stats: StatsProperty = StatsProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Tracks statistics on the numbers in this set
Tracks statistics on the numbers in this set
- stats
the statistics used to track the set of numbers
- final case class NumberSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[BigDecimal] = NumberSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[BigDecimal] with Product with Serializable
Represents numbers in JSON Schema.
- final case class ObjectSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] = ObjectSchema.AllProperties)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Represents objects in JSON Schema.
- final case class ObjectTypesProperty(objectTypes: Map[String, JsonSchema[_]] = Map.empty[String, JsonSchema[_]]) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
The types of all keys in an object schema.
The types of all keys in an object schema.
- objectTypes
a map from object keys to schemas for the values
- final case class PatternProperty(prefix: Option[String] = None, suffix: Option[String] = None, examples: Int = 0, minLength: Option[Int] = None) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the possible patterns for string values.
Tracks the possible patterns for string values.
- prefix
a possible common prefix of strings
- suffix
a possible common suffix of strings
- examples
the total number of observed examples
- minLength
the minimum observed length of a string
- final case class PatternTypesProperty(patternTypes: Map[Regex, JsonSchema[_]] = Map.empty[Regex, JsonSchema[_]]) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
The types of all keys in an object schema which match given patterns.
- final case class ProductSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[JsonSchema[_]])(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends JsonSchema[JsonSchema[_]] with Product with Serializable
, andoneOf
in JSON Schema. - final case class ProductSchemaTypesProperty(baseSchema: JsonSchema[_] = AnySchema(), schemaTypes: List[JsonSchema[_]] = List.empty[JsonSchema[_]], schemaCounts: List[BigInt] = List.empty[BigInt], productType: ProductType = OneOf)(implicit p: JsonoidParams) extends SchemaProperty[JsonSchema[_]] with Product with Serializable
The types of all values in a product schema.
The types of all values in a product schema.
- baseSchema
a schema which all values in the product schema are compatible with
- schemaTypes
the types of each value in the product schema
- schemaCounts
the number of values in each type in the product schema
- productType
the type of the product schema
- sealed trait ProductType extends AnyRef
- final case class PropertySet(arrayProperties: SchemaProperties[List[JsonSchema[_]]], booleanProperties: SchemaProperties[Boolean], integerProperties: SchemaProperties[BigInt], numberProperties: SchemaProperties[BigDecimal], objectProperties: SchemaProperties[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]], stringProperties: SchemaProperties[String]) extends Product with Serializable
Sets of properties which can be used during schema discovery.
Sets of properties which can be used during schema discovery.
- arrayProperties
properties related to ArraySchema
- booleanProperties
properties related to BooleanSchema
- integerProperties
properties related to IntegerSchema
- numberProperties
properties related to NumberSchema
- stringProperties
properties related to StringSchema
- final case class ReferenceObjectProperty(schema: JsonSchema[_]) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Represents a reference to a particular schema object.
Represents a reference to a particular schema object.
- schema
the referenced object
- final case class ReferencePointerProperty(pointer: String) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Represents a reference to a particular pointer.
Represents a reference to a particular pointer.
- pointer
the referenced pointer
- final case class ReferenceSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[String]) extends JsonSchema[String] with Product with Serializable
Represents a reference (
) in JSON Schema. - final case class RequiredProperty(required: Option[Set[String]] = None) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
Tracks what keys are required in an object schema.
Tracks what keys are required in an object schema.
- required
a possible set of keys which may be required
- final case class SchemaProperties[T](properties: PropertyMap[T] = Map.empty[PropertyTag[T], SchemaProperty[T]]) extends Iterable[SchemaProperty[T]] with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- trait SchemaProperty[T] extends AnyRef
- final case class StaticDependenciesProperty(dependencies: Map[String, Set[String]] = Map.empty) extends SchemaProperty[Map[String, JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
A set of dependencies between keys in an object schema extracted from a serialized JSON Schema.
A set of dependencies between keys in an object schema extracted from a serialized JSON Schema.
- dependencies
a map from keys to dependent keys
- final case class StaticPatternProperty(regex: Regex) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Represents patterns read in from a serialized JSON Schema.
Represents patterns read in from a serialized JSON Schema.
- regex
a regular expression which represents the pattern to match
- final case class StatsProperty(totalN: BigInt = 0, m1: BigDecimal = 0, m2: BigDecimal = 0, m3: BigDecimal = 0, m4: BigDecimal = 0) extends Product with Serializable
Data for properties which track statistics on a set of values.
Data for properties which track statistics on a set of values.
- totalN
the total count of values
- m1
the first statistical moment
- m2
the second statistical moment
- m3
the third statistical moment
- m4
the fourth statistical moment
- final case class StringBloomFilterProperty(bloomFilter: BloomFilter[String] = BloomFilter[String]()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks possible strings which can be contained in the set
Tracks possible strings which can be contained in the set
- bloomFilter
the Bloom filter used to track the set of strings
- final case class StringExamplesProperty(examples: ExamplesProperty[String] = ExamplesProperty()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks examples observed for these strings.
Tracks examples observed for these strings.
- examples
the example strings observed
- final case class StringHyperLogLogProperty(hll: HyperLogLog = new HyperLogLog()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of string values.
Tracks the estimated cardinality of the set of string values.
- hll
the HyperLogLog data structure used to track the cardinality
- final case class StringLengthHistogramProperty(histogram: Histogram = Histogram()) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks a histogram of string lengths.
Tracks a histogram of string lengths.
- histogram
a histogram of string lengths
- final case class StringNumericProperty(numericSchema: Option[NumberSchema] = None, failed: Boolean = false) extends SchemaProperty[String] with Product with Serializable
Tracks a possible numeric schema.
Tracks a possible numeric schema.
- numericSchema
a possible numeric schema
- final case class StringSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[String] = StringSchema.AllProperties) extends JsonSchema[String] with Product with Serializable
Represents strings in JSON Schema.
- final case class UniqueProperty(unique: Boolean = true, unary: Boolean = true) extends SchemaProperty[List[JsonSchema[_]]] with Product with Serializable
- final case class ZeroSchema(properties: SchemaProperties[Nothing] = SchemaProperties.empty) extends JsonSchema[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
{"not": {}}
in JSON Schema or the schema which admits no values.
Value Members
- case object AllOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
- case object AnyOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
- object ArraySchema extends Serializable
- object BooleanSchema extends Serializable
- object DependenciesProperty extends Serializable
- object DynamicObjectSchema extends Serializable
- object EnumSchema extends Serializable
- object ExamplesProperty extends Serializable
- object FormatProperty extends Serializable
- object IntegerSchema extends Serializable
- object JsonSchema
- object NumberSchema extends Serializable
- object ObjectSchema extends Serializable
- case object OneOf extends ProductType with Product with Serializable
- object PatternProperty extends Serializable
- object ProductSchema extends Serializable
- object PropertySets
Common collections of PropertySet values for discover.
- object ReferenceSchema extends Serializable
- object SchemaProperties extends Serializable
- object StatsProperty extends Serializable
- object StringSchema extends Serializable